Old & Roy Munn Gyms - 360 Gallery

The old gym is the original gymnasium for Kristin school. Containing the PE and Health staff office, a specialist PE and health classroom and the sports office. The high ceiling and full size basketball court see the gym used for basketball, volleyball and badminton for school and external use.
The Roy Munn Gym, named after the schools founding principal Mr Roy Munn, is located in the Junior school Campus. While predominantly serving the needs of the Junior school, it is frequently used by the Middle and Senior school students. Like the old gym, the ample size and high ceiling see the facility used by school and external groups including indoor archery. Attached to the Roy Munn Gym is the external climbing wall that is over 10 Metres high and boasts slab, vertical and overhung climbs in a safe and managed environment.
Click on the photos below to view interactable 360 images of each area in a new tab.
          Old Gym - Inside                       Old Gym - Outside                   Roy Munn Gym - Inside                Roy Munn Gym - Outside